Download af software (English)

Please read the End User License Agreement before downloading.
We consider all customers who download our products have agreed with the agreement.

System requirements

Refer to the Specifications and system requirements page.

How to download

Click the download button to start downloading.

How to install (Windows)
  1. Right-click the zip file downloaded by above procedures and select [Extract all...].
  2. Execute the extraction after specifying the location in the window displayed.
  3. Double-click [setup.exe] in the extracted folder.
  4. Follow the message displayed on the screen to complete the installation.
How to install (Mac)
  1. Double-click the dmg file downloaded by above procedures.
  2. The drive with the same name will be created on the Desktop.
  3. Double-click [Data Import Utility.pkg] in the drive.
  4. Follow the message displayed on the screen to complete the installation.
Software download
Windows (Ver.2.4.x)

File name :
File size : 26.6 MB

Mac (Ver.2.4.x)

File name : diu24_2405.dmg
File size : 44.8 MB

Uninstalling the software (Windows)
  1. Delete the software from [Uninstall a program] in the Control Panel.
  2. Delete [Data Import Utility] folder in the following location.
    C: \Users\(user account name)\(My)Documents
Uninstalling the software (Mac)
  1. Delete Data Import Utility icon in the Dock.
  2. Delete Data Import Utility icon in the [Applications] folder.
  3. Delete the folders and files in the following locations:
    * "user name" varies depending on the log-on user. /Users/user name/Documents/ Data Import Utility folder* Delete the folder itself. /Users/user name/Library/Preferences/ * Use the following procedure to display the [Library] folder.
    1. Select [Go to Folder...] in the Finder's [Go] menu.
    2. Enter "~/Library/Preferences" and click [Go]. /private/var/db/receipts/ * Use the following procedure to display the [private] folder.
    1. Select [Go to Folder...] in the Finder's [Go] menu.
    2. Enter "/private/var/db/receipts" and click [Go].
  4. Restart the Mac.
Installation Q&A
I can't install the software after changing the destination to install. (Windows)

You can't install the software if the path to the destination is too long.

Select a directory whose path length is up to 200 bytes.

Screen is distorted while uninstalling. (Windows)

This may happen if you have changed the font size of the computer.

There is no affect on the operation.

[PIXELA] folder still exists in the Start menu after uninstallation. (Windows)

Delete manually in this case.

The Program Compatibility Assistant window appears. (Windows)

On Windows 7, this message appears when the installation is finished or cancelled.

Click [Cancel] when this message is displayed.

* If the message appears after the installation, the installation is successfully finished.

Installation of Data Import Utility is impossible after selecting "Reinstall using recommended settings" in the Program Compatibility Assistant window. (Windows)

Installation cannot be executed because of an OS compatibility problem. Perform the following procedure:

  1. Right-click [setup.exe].
  2. Select [Properties].
  3. Click the [Compatibility] tab.
  4. Uncheck "Run this program in compatibility mode for:".
    * If this option is inactive, click [Change settings for all users] and uncheck "Run this program in compatibility mode for:" in advance.
  5. Install Data Import Utility again.