Home > Operation check result
Date revised : April 27, 2010
Date enactment : December 9, 2009
Dear Customers,
Operation check result
Following is the latest result of the operation check for our "Everio MediaBrowser™", "Everio MediaBrowser™ HD Edition", and "MediaBrowser™ LE".
Latest operation check result
YouTube™ Upload
- In case of unexpected failure of YouTube™ server, you may not be able to upload files with login failure or other errors.
Please try the following if this problem occurs :
- If you fail in uploading several times, upload after a while or upload from YouTube™ website.
- The message telling that "MediaBrowser™" cannot connect to the network is displayed and uploading to YouTube™ failed.
- We have released the updater against above problems.
- Please apply it.
For users of "Everio MediaBrowser™ HD Edition" Ver.2.02.1xx or Ver.2.02.2xx. |
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For users of "Everio MediaBrowser™" Ver.2.01.1xx or Ver.2.01.2xx. |
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For users of "Everio MediaBrowser™ HD Edition" Ver.1.01. |
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For users of "Everio MediaBrowser™" Ver.1.00. |
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For users of "MediaBrowser™ LE" Ver.2.00. |
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iTunes® export
Following problem may occur if you use iTunes® 9.
- An error occurs during video file conversion and files are not exported to iTunes®.
Please try the following if this problem occurs :
- Apply the updater available from the Download page of corresponding product.
- If you have not updated to iTunes™ 9, use iTunes™ 7 or iTunes™ 8.
- If you have updated to iTunes™ 9, always use single byte letters for file and folder names of the workplace in the Preferences, the destination to save files exported to iTunes™, and files to be exported.
- After installing iTunes® 9, exporting files to iTunes® fails when starting MediaBrowser from the camcorder's USB menu.
Please try the following if this problem occurs:
* Above countermeasure does not guarantee the operation of all functions.